Food Photo Retouching

A bold splash of chocolate wrapping crunchy candy

Your Food Never Looked So Good

You do not need a perfect piece of chocolate, an unblemished berry, or a top notch food stylist to have stunning food photography (but it helps). This is where photo retouching comes in.

Expert food photo retouchers can delicately smooth out imperfections on food, set a stunning scene, add/remove elements from a photo, color correct, and so much more! A true master retoucher can achieve practically anything when it comes to food photography. 

Explore our portfolio of work and let's talk about your project today.

Food Photography Retouching

Retouching | Hershey's Pretzel Peanut Chocolate Before photo retouching Retouching | Hershey's Pretzel Peanut Chocolate After photo retouching
Cherry CPG photo Before retouching Cherry CPG photo after retouching
A cake in and stuff before retouching A cake in and stuff after retouching
Beet before photo retouching Beet after photo retouching
Caramels before photo retouching Caramels after retouching
Hershey kisses before retouching Hershey kisses after retouching
Hershey's chocolate bars in pool of chocolate before digital retouching Hershey's chocolate bars in pool of chocolate after digital retouching
Before retouching food photography chocolate strawberry Before retouching food photography chocolate strawberry
Floating Haagen das ice cream

Balance and Style

Food retouching requires finesses and knowing where to draw the line between reality and over-photoshopping. Our senior retouchers have been working in the photography industry for more than two decades and understand the delicate nature of food photography.

Food retouching is not about making "perfect photos." It's about making the ideal representation of your product or recipe. Not every imperfection is a problem.

Clients That Trust Us

Meet Our Photo Retouchers

Scott Burchett
Senior Retoucher & Partner

Charles Cronley
Digital Retoucher & Artist

Lisa Cape
Digital Retoucher & Artist

Marci Rhodes
Digital Retoucher & Artist

Give us a retouching challenge

Fill out the form here and tell us about your project.

Please attach all relevant files to your requests.

What to expect:

  • Turnaround Time: 2-3 Business Days
  • There will be opportunities to request additional edits
  • Typical price range: $75-$450* per image

*We do such a wide variety of work we have to quote each project. We do not have defined rates. The price will include the first round of additional basic edits.