Photo Compositing

Food Photography - delicious freshly sliced red pear - shot 4

Defy Logic, Use Photo Composites

When a concept pushes the bounds of creativity and logistics, it often requires the use of photo composites. Complex images can’t have every model, prop, and set arranged to happen at the same time while still having the perfect lighting. However, our retouching team can work with photographers to make every aspect come together in one polished product.

Explore our portfolio and see how the magic comes together.

Clients That Trust Us

Meet Our Photo Composite Experts

Scott Burchett
Senior Retoucher & Partner

Charles Cronley
Digital Retoucher & Artist

Lisa Cape
Digital Retoucher & Artist

Marci Rhodes
Digital Retoucher & Artist

Give us a retouching challenge

Fill out the form here and tell us about your project.

Please attach all relevant files to your requests.

What to expect:

  • Turnaround Time: 2-3 Business Days
  • There will be opportunities to request additional edits
  • Typical price range: $50-$450* per image

*We do such a wide variety of work we have to quote each project. We do not have defined rates. The price will include the first round of additional basic edits.