Outsourcing Photography Services

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OMS OnSite

You don’t have to build a photography program from the ground up

The OMS OnSite program is a unique form of insourcing that allows our client partners to have a completely customized photographic experience. The client can have the staff they need when they need it and the flexibility to pay only for hours used. OnSite services is ideal for companies requiring dedicated employees who will keep up with their production or creative demands but don’t want to take on the responsibility of building a photography program from the ground up.

With our main studio as a supporting foundation, we are able to offer our OnSites photography, retouching, production, video capture, editing and studio management. We take on the responsibility of equipment, insurance, salary, and payroll taxes; all we ask of the client is to provide a small amount of studio space at or near the site of said client — ergo, “OnSite.” Working within close proximity allows OMS to quickly and efficiently serve our clients’ needs, whether it’s a quick turnaround product shot, 100 professional portraits, or documenting a corporate event.

Here are some of the many benefits of an OMS OnSite Studio:

Zero Initial investment

Photography equipment is expensive, but since OMS has long-established relationships with retailers and wholesalers, we are prepared to purchase and continually stay up-to-date with the latest cameras, lighting, computers, and software. We also have backups of most equipment in case of an emergency.

Only Pay for Hours Used

Our OnSite photographer(s) and staff are entirely on the OMS payroll, so you don’t have to worry about paying employees who are not staying busy. In addition, we have flexible staff who can often help out if the OnSite can’t handle the volume of work in a given period.

Never Leave The Office

It can be tough to commit to leaving the office for a full-day photo shoot, but with OMS OnSite you never have to. You also don’t have to need a full or even half-day worth of work to enlist the studio’s services.

Complete Ownership

An OnSite studio means that you have complete ownership of the produced content. This is particularly valuable for clients who otherwise would have to pay a global buyout fee per image.

Long-term Relationship

As a relationship between OMS and an OnSite client builds, we actively seek to improve and streamline the process of a service request, production, and delivery in completely custom ways.

Tools to Streamline

Our onsite services come with web-based forms for clients to enter photography requests. This then notifies and defines work for the photographer(s). Essentially our onsite services come with project management software on day one.