OMS Photo’s Response to COVID-19

Update February 17th, 2022

OMS Photo is updating our policy to address recent changes in COVID-19. The following policy update is for all our studios.

  • We will not be requiring masking in our facilities unless requested by clients.
  • We will continue to monitor and follow CDC, state, and local COVID related guidelines.
  • We are responsive to the needs of our clients and are happy to make accommodations for any specific requirements.

Update January 3rd, 2022

OMS Photo is updating our policy to address the rising COVID-19 cases affecting the nation.

What you need to know for a visit to OMS Photo

  • All visitors and OMS Photo employees, regardless of vaccination status, must wear masks at all times. 
  • We ask all visitors and OMS Photo employees to maintain social distancing when possible.
  • OMS Photo’s employees are fully vaccinated, and we ask all employees to receive a booster as soon as possible.
  • OMS Photo’s employees are working remotely when possible.
  • We are responsive to the needs of our clients and are happy to make accommodations for any specific requirements.

Update June 18th, 2021

OMS Photo is updating our policy to meet with the latest mandates and recommendations recently released by the Ohio Department of Health on 6/8/2021 (see PDF below).

What you need to know for a visit to OMS Photo

  • OMS Photo’s employees are fully vaccinated.
  • OMS Photo’s fully vaccinated employees do not wear masks in the studio unless requested by a client or visitor.
  • The majority of OMS Photo’s employees still work remotely when possible.
  • We ask all non-vaccinated visitors to the studio to wear masks during their visits.
  • We ask, but it is not required that all non-vaccinated visitors tell us of their non-vaccinated status so we may inform our employees. We will inform our employees so they can choose to work remotely or wear a mask in the studio.
  • We ask all clients and visitors to inform us of their mask and social distancing wishes before arriving at the studio to accommodate specific needs and requirements.
  • We are responsive to the needs of our clients. For example, if any client wishes OMS Photo’s employees to wear masks during their photo or video shoots and subsequent interactions, we will happily comply with the request.

Please view the full guidelines here:

Download PDF from

Update April 29th, 2020

OMS Photo is updating our policy to meet with the latest mandates and recommendations recently released by the Ohio Department of Health

OMS is adapting to the new workplace changes to provide our clients with the same quality output as before. Through live streaming and remote art direction, clients will be able to review work in real-time and communicate with photographers/videographers. Depending on the size of a production, clients may attend the shoot.

We are scheduling both photography and video shoots for the upcoming weeks and months. Each project will be assessed on an individual basis. Our producers will be in close communication with clients and help determine the best game-plan for each project. 

To offer everything we can we ask our clients, employees, and network of talented individuals to follow the rules below. 

Concerning Clients & Employees

  • Please maintain social distancing – a minimum of 6 ft between people at all times.
  • Face coverings are required for clients, employees, and all other personnel on set.
  • Daily health screening of all employees upon arrival using CDC screening questions and a temperature check.
  • We require employees and clients to stay home if symptomatic.
  • We ask clients who can work with remote approvals please do so. However, we are considerate of the creative needs of being on set.
  • Each studio will have a new maximum capacity. The following totals include clients, photographers, assistants, stylists, and other crew needed per shoot. Please plan accordingly.
    • First-floor – 6
    • Second-floor – 6
    • Third-floor – 3
  • Employees who can work from home will continue to do so.
  • If any of our employees or clients, recently in the studio, have confirmed cases all the people that have been in contact will be notified via email and phone calls. 

Concerning Workspaces

  • Frequent disinfection of desks, workstations, and high-contact surfaces
  • Daily deep disinfection of desks, workstations, and communal spaces

Concerning Stylists and Other Talent.

We reached out to many of our stylists and talent to discuss our new policies. Many of them are happy to work alongside our photographers in these new conditions. Here follows a list of stylist and talent ready to work with us during these times:

Update March 16th, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic escalates OMS Photo is taking our responsibility seriously. In order to protect our staff and clients, we are actively establishing measures following CDC guidelines that still enable us to accomplish our client’s needs.

We recognize this is a unique time for everyone. The following measures will be in place as long as prescribed by our government and the CDC.

Concerning our employees

  1. Requiring all sick employees to stay home.
    • In addition, requiring all employees to stay home if any family member is sick.
  2. Asking all employees who can work from home to do so.
  3. We currently have weekly office cleanings in place.
    • In addition, all employees must clean their hands often with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, or wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. 
    • All communal and kitchen spaces must be cleaned after use.

Concerning our clients and employees

  1. We are asking all clients and our employees to practice safe social distancing measures. 
  2. We are asking all clients who are sick to not attend shoots.
    • In addition, asking all clients with sick family members to not attend shoots.
    • Clients are more than welcome to do remote approvals if they feel uncomfortable attending a shoot.
  3. All studio shoots will only have essential OMS Photo staff on-site
  4. All on-location shoots are subject to be postponed on a case-by-case basis.
    • Locations shoot with fewer than 10 people and are outdoors are still considered safe by CDC standards.
  5. Almost all post-production needs will be performed off-site
  6. As a company, we promise to waive all cancelation and rescheduling fees associated with OMS Photo. However, the client is responsible for any outside vendor/ freelancer cancellation fees.

As the COVID-19 outbreak unfolds we will update this post with any new changes we implement.

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